You would be hard-pressed to find something in the world that hasn’t been touched by technology. Massive encyclopedia sets gave way to the Google search years ago. Streaming services have turned video rental stores into relics of days past. These technological advancements have made life more convenient and, in many ways, more accessible. Lighting your home is no exception. The future is here! 

If you have never experienced a smart home or smart lighting, it might seem more like a gimmick than something useful. After all, it isn’t exactly hard to flip a light switch. Using smart lighting in your home is about more than just installing smart switches on your walls. There are many benefits, like energy efficiency, as well as the unparalleled ability to customize the way you experience your home and property. 

smart home automation system

What Are the Benefits?

So, if it’s not just about skipping out on flipping a switch, what are the benefits of having a futuristic, smart lighting system in your home? 

1. Energy savings

Gone are the days of everyone forgetting to turn off the lights and the energy bill climbing. With smart systems and products, the status of lights can be checked and changed remotely. Have you left Vancouver but forgot to turn off the light in the basement? No problem. That bulb doesn’t have to burn for a whole week. You can turn it off with a tap or two on your device, even if you’re an hour away. LED bulbs, which are used by many of these future lighting solutions, can last tens of thousands of hours more than ordinary bulbs as well. 

2. Convenience

Of course, convenience is a major reason to have automated lighting solutions. There’s no more getting out of bed to turn off a light when you’re already comfortable. You can program your system to your routine, so that your home and environment work with you. A lighting system that includes automated shades and controls from Lutron, for instance, could mean responsive shades and natural light as soon as you wake up in the morning.

3. Security

The ability to turn lights on and off remotely can be useful in maintaining the security of your home. If you’re out of town, it can maintain the illusion that someone is still there. Brands like Control4 take that idea a step further with their “Mockupancy” setting, which works in tandem with security systems to simulate occupancy and use the lights in conjunction with the alarm system. 

Modern interior with decorative lighting and art work

Ready to Move Forward?

For those in the Vancouver area who are ready to take the plunge and bring their homes into the future, there are many options that will accomplish it. Brands like Lutron and Control4 offer high-quality products that will update your home and the way you live in it, including multiple lighting and shading options. 

If you’re hesitant about controlling everything remotely, there’s good news on that front, too! These systems usually also come with wall controls or keypads. There are plenty of ways to make the experience exactly what you want it to be and are comfortable with. They can be incorporated into new-construction houses or older homes ready to be updated, too. 

Final Thoughts

There are so many benefits to updating the lighting system in your home. Not only can it save money, thanks to how energy efficient the system and products can be, but it can make your home safer and more enjoyable to live in. Even though there will be some upfront costs to making the change to automated lighting, those kinds of benefits are priceless.