The toilet is one of the more under-appreciated appliances in homes today. While it serves an essential purpose, people don’t often know much about a toilet – how to select, repair or replace it when things go wrong. Fortunately, it’s easier than you might think, even though there are probably more options than you ever anticipated.

In the guide below, we’ll cover the main elements that you need to consider when buying a toilet:

  1. Bowl Height
  2. Bowl Shape
  3. Efficiency Considerations
  4. Colour
  5. Flush Maintenance

Now, let’s look at the details of each.

Bowl Height

measuring tape - measuring toilet bowls

The height of the toilet bowl is a significant consideration. Although toilets come in standard heights, you’ll have two main choices:

  • Standard: 14-15 inches
  • Comfort: 16-17 inches

The latter is ideal for taller people or those who have mobility issues and need a higher seat. If you’re building a home that will age with you, consider going with the comfort option now, so you’re less likely to need an upgrade later. If you’re shorter or outfitting a bathroom for children, the standard bowl will be fine. 

Bowl Shape

shapes - on selecting bowl shape

Toilets come in two shapes: round and elongated. Round toilets are great in smaller spaces, but they don’t offer as much comfort. Elongated bowls are much more comfortable and provide more seating area, but they will take up more space in the room. You’ll have to factor that in when making your choice. 


Efficiency - selecting a toilet

You can choose dual flush or high-efficiency toilets rated <4.8L per flush. You’ll have to choose what works best for you, but if you want the most significant savings, dual flush toilets are the way to go. 


renovation concept, Toilet's colour

Here, some people are thrown off, since toilets come in a lot more colours than plain old porcelain white.  You can get a toilet in a variety of colours, but expect to pay and wait for these options. Our recommendation? Keep it simple and stick with white or off-white. It blends with any style, and offers a cleaner look. 

Flush Maintenance

flushing a toilet

There’s a thing known as “flush maintenance” in a toilet, or how it is rated in the ability to remove solid waste. The ratings go from 350 to 1000, with 1000 best for waste removal and clog resistance. You don’t have to choose the top system, but we’d suggest better when you can to reduce the risk of issues. 

The Bottom Line

Finding the best place to rest your bottom is all about comfort and quality. A toilet is not “just a toilet,” as you now know, and you’ll want to make sure that you take the time to find the one that’s right for your home. Look around online, but you really should see a toilet in person to get an idea of how it will fit your needs before you buy. 

If you keep this How to Select a Toilet guide in mind, you will have a much easier time getting the best toilet for your home. You might not have even known that selecting a toilet was a thing until a few minutes ago, but now that you do, buying a toilet should be a breeze. 


Finally, for your inspiration “A toilet that does more than just sit there”.