Pet-Friendly Design /

Home construction and design have a lot of considerations. Some are obvious. Others such as pet-friendly design are less so unless you’re the person that needs these things. Such is the case with pet owners and the design of their homes. There are certain things that you can do to design a more pet-friendly home for your furry family members, no matter how many you have or what they like.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the best tips for designing your home so that it’s as perfect for your pets as it is for the rest of your family. From considering built-ins during construction to adding new spaces during a renovation, there’s a lot that you can do.


1. Put it Up!

Pet-Friendly Design: Put it up!

 When designing your home, make sure that cabinets and cupboards close securely and that there is plenty of out-of-reach storage so that you can keep dangerous chemicals, delicate items, and other things away from your pets.

Also consider a shelf or hook system where you can hang leashes, towels, and other pet-friendly goodies that you use regularly. That way, they’re within reach but stored conveniently out of the way.


2. The Entryway

Pet-Friendly Design: the entryway /

Speaking of bringing in the dogs, you probably aren’t going to want to have a high-end entry if you’ve got dogs because you’ll have more muddy paw prints than you know what to do with. Choose basic, durable materials and pick a specific area where you can bring them inside and clean them up before they roam the house freely.


3. Carpeting 

Pet-Friendly Design: carpeting /

There’s always been a debate over hardwood versus carpet floors, and really, it’s going to be a matter of personal decision.  Carpets will be nice for older dogs who slip around on hard surfaces. However, hard surfaces will be much easier to clean, and they will put up with the mess and roughness that having pets brings. Ultimately, you want resilient flooring that’s going to be easy to care for, no matter what that means.


4. Pet Gates

Pet-Friendly Design: Pet Gates /

If you’re worried about dogs on stairs, use pet gates (or the cheaper alternative of a baby gate) to block them off at the bottom and/or the top. You can install gates between rooms, use temporary gates to keep pets out of certain areas, and more. There are several options for ensuring that your pets only have access to the spaces you want them in when you’re not home.


 Make Your Pets a Home with a Pet-Friendly Design


Just like you think of the creature comforts that you want when designing your new home for yourself, you’ll want to think about that for your pets, as well. You can even add their own private sleeping area (such as a “room” under the stairs) and provide a safe, inviting space for them to eat. It’s about balance and if you think like your pet for a few minutes, you’ll have no trouble creating the perfect space for your furry family members.